Saturday, November 19, 2011


So, I have not blogged for a while as I had to work with the editors of "The Unified Theory of Happiness: An East-Meets-West to fully Loving Your Life."

It is done. Good.

So much has happened in the meantime. I have founded the Los Angeles Center of Zen Psychology ( and have had my first official interview about my book. I will let you know when "Amazing Mind," an Internet TV show, will be shown.

Work, problems in the world, personal problems...when is there time for happiness?

I cannot tell you how often I reminded myself to smell the flowers, to enjoy my kids, my husband, just sitting. It takes more effort to center ourselves during tough times, well-worth effort though.

The greatest remedy: LAUGHTER.

Laughter comes easy to me usually, but now I had to consciously make sure that laughter can rise up from my belly. Remove obstacles! For example, I limited the time I was going to talk about my problems and work load. Sharing is good until it is no longer, so I made space for laughter. I picked up some funny movies, laughed deliberately with my kids, told jokes, laughed at old ones such as:

How many psychologist does it take to change a light bulb?
One, but the light bulb has to really wanna change.

I made light of the worst shock that we had to endure as a family....

Laughter remains the best medicine...take it frequently.

Warmly, Andrea