Friday, September 10, 2010

Happiness Is Working On My New Book "Mileva Maric Einstein"

I will probably never again write a book like the Two Wings of Happiness; Connecting Western With Eastern Thought. It took ten years to develop a theory of happiness that is simple but inclusive, and to live by the wisdom of the West and the East without favoring one over the other. It has been a great pleasure and deeply fulfilling to write this book. I will now concentrate my effort on selling this book to a publishing house and on throwing myself passionately into the arms of a new project.
My new project is a novel about Mileva Maric Einstein, who was the first wife of Albert Einstein. She is my heroine, a woman so bright, so fascinating, and so mistreated. When I explored her birth town Titel in Serbia this summer, I had the good fortune to meet with the founder of the Tesla Society, the mayor of this region, and a newscaster of Serbia's most seen channel. I was interviewed about Mileva; the interested can follow the link below to rejoice.
Also, a little bit American impertinent kindness has opened the door of Mileva's closest relative, the generous, most helpful, proud Jovan Ruzic, who is the great-grandson of Mileva's brother Milos. He has shared with me that a part of Mileva Maric Einstein's birthplace still exists in his backyard. I was grateful for the fabulous translation by the founder of the Tesla Society (Peter Stojanovic). Without him, I may have never discovered the place.
What have I learned about happiness in the course of my trip? The Western understanding of happiness is to make things happen, to follow our dreams, to lose ourselves in the pursuit of our fitting goals. I have indeed lost myself, loved every minute, and -- while completely exhausted at times -- I have recuperated from the troubles of my ordinary life. I sat at the grave of Mileva Maric Einstein in Zurich, Switzerland, and cried some tears with the clouds that were weeping above her. I was cold, and afterwards I got sick with a cold too. But inside I am burning with desire to do justice for Mileva Maric Einstein! My new passion is filling me up. Quietly I observe the fire. Happiness is truly a result of combining the active and the non-active, contemplative approach to happiness.
Warm wishes to my readers!